Finals Survival Guide
get some freaking sleep. Pulling an all-nighter will leave you groggy and exhausted leading to poor results on your exam. Study until 2 or 3am and then get some shut eye sleeping beauties.
be afraid to ask your teachers questions. Getting clarity about confusing topics can save you major points before a test and getting to know your teachers could determine whether that 89.5% gets rounded up to an A.
start studying as soon as possible. If you were looking for a sign to start here it is. Finals preparation takes time and you’ll want every second you can get.
forget to block out time for activities other than studying. See the Lights of the Ozarks, make a gingerbread house, and enjoy the holiday season alongside your best friends.
make a to-do list. I wrote “make a to-do list” on my to-do list just to cross it off and feel like a #girlboss. Writing out your priorities makes them real, and allows you to schedule your time accordingly. This is my #1 college tip.
put on a face mask. This may seem silly, but putting on a face mask makes my whole life seem more put together. Clear skin, full brains, can’t lose.
ace those finals!!! We believe in you now go get’em.
The Blog Crew
“The measure of intelligence is the ability to change” –Albert Einstein